
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2018–23

Call for public comment

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (including the nine Regional Development Commissions listed below) is developing its inaugural Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.  The department is seeking public input into the plan via an online questionnaire, which is also available in hard copy on request.  For more information, phone 9368 3933.

TTY or computer with modern users: phone 133677; speak and listen service users phone 1300 555 727; and SMS relay 0423 677 767.

Questionnaires need to be submitted online or returned to DPIRD by 5 June 2018.

Development Commissions: Gascoyne, Goldfields Esperance, Great Southern, Kimberley, Mid West, Peel, Pilbara, South West, Wheatbelt.