
Transform Peel PNG

33,000 local jobs across diverse sectors     |     $16.2 billion pa economic output by 2050     |     Multi-million Phase 1 activation launches

To view a video of the project, click here


Mandurah, 4 April 2016…The multi-million dollar Transform Peel project announced by Premier Colin Barnett is a visionary project that will be a game changer for the Peel region according to Paul Fitzpatrick, chairman of the Peel Development Commission.

“Transform Peel will be a true game changer: a hub for employment and innovation providing an integrated approach to building regional resilience, As the name says, it will effectively transform the entire Peel and take us through to 2050,” said Paul Fitzpatrick.

Transform Peel comprises three integrated and strategic projects: a 28,000 hectare Peel Food Zone, a 1.000 hectare Peel Business Park and an Integrated Water Resource Solution. The State Government’s investment of $49.3 million via Royalties for Regions will be augmented with private capital investment estimated to be $2.5 billion by 2050.  Transform Peel is projected to generate more than $1.8 billion in export earnings over the next three decades culminating in $16.2 billion pa economic output by 2050.

On 4 April 2016, Premier Barnett announced the multi-million Phase 1 activation which will see the creation of services for 290 hectares of the business park, research into water initiatives and planning for the food zone.

“As we researched and developed the business case for Transform Peel, we grew confident that the State Government would share our vision for this hub for employment and innovation. We are looking forward to working with Landcorp and other agencies to enable Phase I,” said Paul Fitzpatrick.

“Transform Peel is an ambitious project – the focus on sustainable food and water supplies for the region differentiate it from anything previously conceived. Along with its vast economic opportunities, the Peel Food Zone and Integrated Water Initiative will provide sustainable food and water supplies for the entire community for generations.”

Mr Fitzpatrick said Transform Peel will combine the very best of public and private sector knowledge and investment in people and capital to deliver economic, community and environmental benefits over future decades.

“The Peel Development Commission has a clear mandate to support the Peel region’s growth. Transform Peel will be a catalyst for major investment and employment that will give more people an opportunity to live in a region that offers the best of both worlds – a relaxed coastal lifestyle close to Perth and the South West. The 33,000 jobs that the Transform Peel initiative will help to create will be as varied as the people that choose to live in the region,” he said.

“Initially there be transactional, development, and building opportunities and these will grow into retail, office and skilled jobs. With the development of the technology campus at Peel Business Park, researchers, technicians and innovators will be in demand. I am confident the projects will trigger further development and growth which will support our children and their children.”

Mr Fitzpatrick said the Peel Development Commission will continue to work on behalf of the State Government, through the Royalties for Regions program, to encourage prosperity and build strong and resilient communities in the Peel region.

Transform Peel is an overarching strategy developed by the State Government through the Peel Development Commission; the Departments of Regional Development, Water and Agriculture & Food; and LandCorp, in partnership with the City of Mandurah, Shire of Murray, CSIRO and Peel-Harvey Catchment Council.

To view a video of the project, click here