

Norman Baker, Hon Terry Redman Paul Fitzpatrick

Acting CEO Norman Baker, Hon Terry Redman and Chairman Paul Fitzpatrick launch the Peel Regional Investment Blueprint

Mandurah, 17 December 2015…After two years of research, consultation with over 200 stakeholders and three development phases, the Peel Development Commission today launched their Peel Regional Investment Blueprint outlining the strategy for the future of the region to 2050. Chair Paul Fitzpatrick said today’s launch of the Blueprint by Regional Development Minister Terry Redman marked the beginning of Peel’s transformation.

“Our Blueprint’s vision for the Peel is to be recognised as a progressive, prosperous and dynamic region with a culture of care. To cater for the Peel’s projected future, it is the region’s responsibility to ensure that economic growth matches population projections. This can be achieved through attracting investment into world-class services and amenities, maximising natural and built infrastructure, and strengthening our resilience to create sought-after communities,” he said.

By 2050, the Peel is expected to be one of the most highly populated regions outside of Perth with a projected population of 444,000. Paul Fitzpatrick said to support this the Peel needs to build an economy that incorporates many industries, adopts an innovative approach to business, and has a multi-skilled and high performing workforce.

“The Blueprint has a strong economic focus, underpinned by the view economic development is the cornerstone of a healthy, balanced and sustainable society. This economic focus will be strengthened through incremental growth in the tourism industry as new markets are unlocked and existing growth plans are enhanced,” he said.

The Blueprint identifies goals and strategies encompassed within five themes considered pivotal to the region’s future:

Thriving industry – a broadened and diversified industry base to boost the depth and breadth of employment across the region.

Agriculture and food innovation – increased economic expansion, market base and international competiveness of the region’s agribusiness sector through innovation in production methods and renewable water and energy supplies.

Tourism excellence – a network of natural adventures that attracts visitors and enables them to engage with the Peel’s natural and built attractions in a sustainable manner.

Capable people – the availability of an educated and highly skilled workforce with the capacity and capability to flexibly respond to workforce requirements of the future.

Strong and resilient communities – creation of support services and infrastructure that will ensure the community is strong and resilient and able to increase its participation in, and contribution to, the future development of the Peel.

Each theme highlights a number of focus areas, against which strategies for implementation and potential investment opportunities have been identified.

Implementation will be led by the Peel Development Commission and will occur through continued communication, consultation and collaboration with regional stakeholders.

For more information, visit www.peel.wa.gov.au for the downloadable Blueprint Executive Summary (At A Glance) or the full version of the Peel Regional Investment Blueprint.    

The Regional Investment Blueprint initiative is supported by a $330 million investment through the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program.

Media Contact:        Norman Baker, Chief Executive Officer, Peel Development Commission, norman.baker@peel.gov.wa.au, (08) 9535 4140

To download:

Peel Regional Investment Blueprint

At a Glance – A summary of the Peel Regional Investment Blueprint