
The Peel tourism industry is a core component of the Peel Regional Development Blueprint representing growth in our region by unlocking new markets and our ability to attract new visitors to our vast natural and built attractions, enticing them to visit more frequently and to stay longer.

This Centre will play a critical role in educating visitors not only about the attractions and services that Boddington has to offer, but also the stories, history and artefacts that make it a unique place to visit.

The Peel Development Commission is very pleased to have contributed $100,000 towards this project as part of the Government’s Regional Grants scheme.

Educating visitors about the people, events, environment and industries that have shaped the community and its history, is not only good for tourism, but also contributes to building strong and resilient communities by creating a sense of place and avenues for contribution for the existing community.

The co-location of the interpretive, visitor, library and café services will provide an excellent opportunity for increased employment and business opportunities and is in itself, a great contribution to the strength and resilience of this community.

The Boddington Interpretive Centre will continue to develop and build on its stories following the core themes of Agriculture, Industry, Environment & Community, tying together elements of place, character, pride in history and enthusiasm for the future.

Communities of today and the future, need innovative spaces that are able to meet a range of needs and this is an excellent example of one of those spaces.

We look forward to seeing the Centre grow and develop into an iconic attraction of the region.