Words  I  Peel Development Commission

 Images   I  IMS

Indigenous Managed Services assists organisations in growing their business, developing 
their staff and exceeding their commercial goals.

A team of Indigenous and non-indigenous professionals with a wealth of experience enable IMS to deliver services across a diverse range of capabilities including project and contract management, recruitment and labour hire, land management, training and upskilling, business coaching and consulting, dry ice blasting, water management and more. 

IMS was founded in 2017 with traditional owners Garry Jaffrey and Synarah Murphy, along with Terry Collier. IMS employs 12 full time and over 100 casual staff members, is a registered Supply Nation and Aboriginal Business Directory WA business and an approved supplier to multiple Government departments and
well-known private businesses in WA.

 Constantly evolving their service offering to meet client and market expectations is of paramount importance to IMS. Becoming a registered Group Training Organisation (GTO) has helped ensure their ongoing ability to employ, supply and train trainees and apprentices to meet the growing demand for skilled labour. They have also commenced a dry ice blasting division offering a highly specialised, environmentally friendly service to remove contamination from any surface or substrate without any damage or additional clear up.

IMS has a growing list of alliances with companies and businesses that complement the services they offer and are also helping other smaller Aboriginal companies grow. These partnerships and alliances have enhanced IMS’s success, including a site in Mandurah, Port Hedland and Perth, with another planned for the southwest and  northwest of WA over the next 12 months. IMS is also now supplying interstate services to national companies so with that growth under their belt, aim to have a
branch in each Australian state within five years and to have embarked on international representation.

 As IMS continues to win contracts, it’s helping to create local training and job outcomes for our Peel community. In return, the Peel region benefits from newly skilled people and increased capability within the region. IMS is incredibly proud of removing barriers to employment and creating sustainable employment outcomes
for local communities. They have significantly contributed to increased employment and training opportunities by winning and becoming the approved vendor of choice for many organisations, including most State Government departments, WALGA and local governments (including the City of Mandurah), Horizon Power, Water Corporation, Rio Tinto, BHP, and Cays Engineering. 

The future is bright for IMS, with unlimited opportunities for further growth and the creation of tangible, sustainable outcomes year after year. Through innovation, partnerships and government contracting opportunities, IMS is paving the way for other Aboriginal businesses to create jobs, prosperity and regional economic growth.


Capable Coders


Local Content Advisers work within each of the nine Regional Development Commissions. 

Peel Development Commission:
Visit www.peel.wa.gov.au/our-focus/local-content-advisor or contact Therese Ejsak on (08) 9535 4140 or at therese.ejsak@peel.wa.gov.au

Indigenous Managed Services: Visit
Head Office (08) 6141 1092 or for general enquiries info@imsaus.com.au 


This article was first published in the Spring/Summer 2021 edition of Peel magazine – read the full article and, if you haven’t already, download the latest edition of the Peel magazine here