Dwellingup, 24 June 2016…One of the region’s best known visitor attractions has been revitalised and relaunched after major grants from the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program.
The Forest Heritage Centre at Dwellingup has completed significant improvements and repairs to roofing, insulation and air-conditioning with Royalties for Regions grants totalling $149,900 and has just been awarded a further $35,350 the latest round of Community Chest Funds announced this month.
The Centre will use the funds to create the Emu Directional Walk Trail which will connect the Forest Heritage Centre to the Dwellingup town centre (1.2 km). The trail follows both the road and the footpath leading to the Centre so people will be able to follow it while driving or be encouraged to walk.
The grants are administered by the Peel Development Commission. Chairman Paul Fitzpatrick said the Forest Heritage Centre was a worthy recipient of the Royalties for Regions funding.
“This is one of our region’s most significant tourism attractions and the funds have made a tremendous difference to the centre, its staff and visitors. As well as the renovations making the Centre’s environment much more functional, the aesthetics of the interior have been greatly improved. The attraction now has a ‘finished’ quality which helps to improve the appearance of the exhibitions items, stock and displays. I’m pleased to see the Emu Trail will now become a reality and add to the already excellent mix of product that attracts tourist visitors to not only the Centre but into the town of Dwellingup,” he said.
The trail will feature signage designed and painted by local artist Wendy Binks located on local business premises and along the trail.
Emu footprints will feature on the trail every five metres, and visitors will be encouraged to photograph the signs and post/share/hashtag their photos on social media to raise the profile of the Forest Heritage Centre.
Anyone interested in learning more about applications for the next round of Community Chest Fund should contact the Peel Development Commission’s Grants Officers on 95354140.
Media Contact: Norman Baker, Chief Executive Officer, Peel Development Commission, norman.baker@peel.gov.wa.au , (08) 9535 4140