
The City of Mandurah (CoM) has demonstrated leadership implementing an Australian first purchasing initiative to create jobs and expand the local economy through a $10 million cleaning services contract.

CoM invited tenders for the provision of cleaning services for office buildings, recreation centres, community facilities and halls. Tender criteria included a 20 per cent weighting on how tenderers would utilise Commonwealth Employment Services to ensure local employment opportunities are maximised. The criteria developed by the CoM and the Mandurah Employment Facilitator demonstrates a significant commitment to maximising local employment opportunities for job seekers across Peel.

In addition, the tender was evaluated under the CoM’s Buy Local Policy. Under this new policy price preferences increased considerably for businesses in both Mandurah and across the region. The City’s commitment to supporting local businesses to develop and grow creates opportunities for increased employment and results in favourable effects for the regions communities.

A Mandurah based business, Indigenous Managed Services, were awarded as one of the preferred suppliers out of a highly competitive tender process. The City of Mandurah and Mandurah Employment Facilitator will continue to monitor employment outcomes associated with this contract and look forward to showcasing results in the future.

This article was first published in the Peel Magazine, Autumn/Winter – vol 5.1 – to read and download the full magazine, click here.