
The Peel Development Commissions’ vision is of the Peel region as a progressive, prosperous and dynamic region with a culture of care and our mission is one of support, advocacy and facilitation of our stakeholders to achieve that.

In order to assess how the Commission’s stakeholders rate our performance against these objectives, a client survey was carried out in June 2018. An independent market research consultant (Perth Market Research) conducted an online survey of clients and stakeholders. Email and telephone follow ups were used to ensure that there were sufficient responses for statistical reliability. 235 surveys were completed representing a variety of sectors; a response rate of 52.2%.

Participants were asked to score their level of agreement/disagreement with a number of statements about the Commission. An agreement score was calculated based on the percentage of respondents who indicated that they either agreed or strongly agreed with a range of statements covering the Commission’s goals.

The client survey gave a number of statements that followed our strategic goals and respondents were asked to indicate their level of agreement with each.

This article was first published in the Peel Magazine, Spring/Summer 2018 – vol 4.2 – to read and download the full magazine, click here.