Sports, culture, natural heritage, tourism and municipal projects throughout the Peel are the beneficiaries of $500,000 in the Royalties for Regions’ Community Chest funding announced this week.
Twenty projects were approved in the latest round announced by Minister for Regional Development, Lands the Hon. Terry Redman. The Community Chest Fund grants are administered by the Peel Development Commission. Chairman Paul Fitzpatrick said the successful applications would see nearly $500,000 distributed throughout the region.
“We are delighted with this announcement which sees the Peel attracting $500,000 which will filter through the programs and into our communities to enhance the chosen projects. Royalties for Regions funding through the Community Chest small grants program is designed to support projects which enhance liveability at community level. The projects approved this round run the entire spectrum of the Peel community from sports oval fencing at Jarrahdale and public precinct shade sails at Dwellingup to community gardens in Mundijong and Byford to name just a few,” he said.
Mr Fitzpatrick said it was pleasing to see applicants from the Waroona district feature in the grants announced.
“All of these grants will have an immediate effect and a continued boost to the community of Waroona. The Waroona Golf Club has secured a grant to upgrade their roofing and kitchen, the Shire of Waroona has funds to purchase an emergency management centre generator, the Waroona Bowling and Social Club will benefit from new shade protection and fencing, and St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will soon be putting up shade sails on their basketball area,” he said.
The successful projects are listed below. Anyone interested in learning more about applications for the next round of Community Chest Fund should contact the Peel Development Commission’s Grants Officer on 9535 4140.
For a full list of funded projects please click on the link below:
Peel Community Chest Fund 2016 approved projects
For Minister Redman’s media statement please click below: