Agri-Food Grant Information Session
If you own or manage an agriculture, food or beverage production business in the Peel, this workshop is a must-attend event.
The Agri-Food Grant Information Session is your opportunity to learn about some relevant food and agriculture support grants and funding programs available to support your business.
Agriculture, food and beverage production are priority growth sectors for Peel. Support for projects and initiatives that enhance Peel’s agriculture and food innovation sectors will put the region in a solid position to leverage existing and emerging market opportunities.
As a growth sector, several grants and funding options are available to assist with modernisation, innovation, upscaling, new product, business and technology development, supply chain management and expansion to new markets.
In this workshop, you’ll learn;
• about existing and upcoming agri-food and beverage grant opportunities
• get advice on how to prepare a competitive application and avoid common mistakes
• understand post-grant delivery expectations
Thursday 16 September I 1.00pm to 4.00pm I Byford Country Club
The workshop will cover six upcoming grants or funding programs and feature presentations from government and industry representatives to give you the detail and information you need to understand your grant and funding options and how to prepare a competitive application.
Grant and funding opportunities addressed in the workshop are;
Regional Economic Development Grants
- The Regional Economic Development Grants program supports community-driven projects that stimulate economic growth for the Peel region, typically targeted towards businesses, not for profits or local governments driving local projects that contribute to population and economic growth initiatives.
- Schools, hospitals and other state government bodies are not eligible for funding.
- Previous rounds saw grants of up to $250k available to applicants on a co-contribution basis.
- The RED Grant Program has provided funding across nine regions for initiatives including tourism expansion, Aboriginal training, new industry development and agricultural diversification.
Please read more about the RED Grants Program here.
WAFIP Enterprise Support Program
- The WA Food Innovation Precinct will open in 2022 and be WA’s state of the art facility for food innovation, research and development and commercialisation. The WAFIP will comprise a research and development facility, innovation centre and small batch production facilities to build an ecosystem to support the scaling up of agri-businesses, exports and product licensing.
- The Enterprise Support Program has been established to support small to medium agri-businesses, enterprises and entrepreneurs seeking opportunities to innovate, accelerate business development, commercialise research through the WA Food Innovation Precinct.
- Applicants may apply for up to $200,000 on a co-contribution basis to undertake projects through the WAFIP around product commercialisation, R&D and undertaking production trials through the facility.
The program is currently open to applicants. Click here for more information on the program.
Agrifood and Beverage Voucher Program
- Program will support small businesses (with $100K to $10M in sales) in the agrifood and beverage sectors to access to contracting / professional consultancies services to support the pursuit of business development objectives.
- The program provides vouchers of up to $10,000, $5,000, or $2,000 depending on business turnover, which must be matched 1:1 by recipient co-contributions/
- Watch the video to the right to see what previous recipients have to say about the vouchers …
For more information on the program, click here.
Value Add Investment Grants
- This program, targeted at food, fibre and beverage manufacturers and processors, act as incentives to encourage them to make new investments or to bring forward planned investments.
- Funds support capital expenditure or de-risking projects by businesses to help them to grow, adapt, innovate and export.
- Previous rounds offered grants of up $750,000, matched at least dollar for dollar by applicants’ co-contributions.
- The program is targeted at established businesses with high-growth potential to facilitate the further development of the industry: growing jobs and economic diversification.
Click here for more information on the program.
Export Pathways Program
- Aims to build the export capability of WA agribusinesses through small group training; one-on-one mentoring; an export-ready assessment; and an in-market visit program (EMD stream only).
- EPP provides businesses with the information, skills and knowledge to pursue sustainable export success as well as export-ready assessments and up-to-date market information.
- EPP requires a 50% cash co-contribution towards project participation fees
- Applications for participation in the next round of the EPP are scheduled to be open from April 2022.
For more information on the program, click here.
International competitiveness Co-Investment Fund
- The fund aims to provide WA Agrifood businesses with the capability to access and develop export markets; and to achieve consistent business growth through enhanced international competitiveness and strategic customer relationships in high value, premium export markets
- The fund provides grants to help businesses rebuild their existing Asian market business relationships disrupted by COVID-19 and to develop and implement strategies to capture export market opportunities and attract investment
- Round 1 provided grants of between $50k-$100k to help businesses rebuild their existing Asian market business relationships disrupted by COVID-19 on a 1:2 cash contribution basis
The next round of the ICCF will be rolled out this financial year.
For more information on the program, click here.
Event details
16 September, 2021 – 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Byford Country Club
This is a free event open to all Peel food and ag businesses, but registration is essential.
This event is proudly supported by the Peel Development Commission.