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Budget Lunch with the Premier – Peel Region

Start date: 10/09/2021 | End date: 10/09/2021

WA State Budget 2021-22 Lunch – Peel Region

The McGowan Government’s strong management of the pandemic has meant WA’s economic recovery continues to outperform many other jurisdictions in the country and around the world.

The State Government’s multi-billion dollar WA Recovery and Jobs Plan has laid the foundation for this growth, by investing in major infrastructure to create jobs and drive investment.

Delivering his first Budget as Treasurer, Mark McGowan is continuing to ensure Western Australia’s economy stays on track to recover from the pandemic stronger than ever before.

Join special guest, the Hon. Mark McGowan MLA, Premier of Western Australia for this post budget luncheon as the Premier discusses the achievements that have kept WA safe and strong, what Peel business leaders can expect from this year’s State Budget, what comes next for the WA state economy and what this will mean for the Peel region.


12.45pm – Registration open

1pm – Lunch and refreshments

1.30pm – Welcome by Minister David Templeman and official

Welcome to Country

1.35pm – Premier’s presentation

2.05pm – Q&A plus networking opportunity

3pm – Event concludes

Tickets are $25 and include lunch & refreshments. 

To register go to – https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/2021-22-state-budget-lunch-with-the-premier-tickets-166015128719

Any queries about this event, contact the PDC on 9535 4140 or email events@peel.wa.gov.au