
Southern Network Contract Information Session

Start date: 13/11/2018 | End date: 13/11/2018

Your chance to hear about the business opportunities associated with the Southern Network Contract.

Fulton Hogan are anticipated to commence services under the Southern Network Contract (SNC) in early 2019.

The SNC will deliver routine and planned road highway maintenance services and minor capital works projects to Main Roads WA’s road network across the Great Southern, South West and Peel regions (excluding the maintenance of structures and electrical infrastructure). Fulton Hogan have been announced the preferred tenderer.

This information session has been organised to give local businesses and subcontractors the opportunity to hear from Fulton Hogan about the SNC and some of the associated subcontracting and supplier opportunities.  Fulton Hogan anticipates involvement on the SNC from small, medium and aboriginal businesses from across a variety of industries.

Come along to the information session, network with your peers, learn about the project, and meet some of the key people involved.

Presenting are:

Bill Berry, SNC Performance and Commercial Manager, Fulton Hogan

Carly Anderson, Local Content Adviser, South West Development Commission

Tahlia Jones, Local Content Adviser, Peel Development Commission

Representatives from Main Roads, Fulton Hogan, South West Development Commission, Peel Development Commission and IPS Business Advisory will also be present.

4.00-6.00 Tuesday 13 November

Quality Lighthouse Resort Bunbury

To register, please go to the Eventbrite booking page here.