Fruitico recently presented to the Peel Development Commission Board and what a local success story they are!
Did you know, they are currently the No.1 brand in Asia for table grapes? And they’re grown right here in the Peel region. With a staff of only 20 full-time people and help from about 200 casuals and are currently supplying approximately 4,000 fruit stores over in China with top quality WA produce.
Fruitico started from small beginnings with husband and wife team, Roger and Liz Fahl, and have been farming table grapes in Western Australia for the past 20 years, gaining a reputation as a premium table grape grower.
In 2016, a partnership was formed with the Fresh Produce Group Western Australia with allowed the business to expand its vision in increased variety of products and markets they could export to.
Fruitico has grown considerably over the last 4 years and are the leading WA table grape brand to domestic retailers, not to mention the Number 1 premium table grape brand in Asia with the company continuing to grow their export footprint.
The company has exciting plans for expansion into the future which will require more land and a much bigger workforce, so they are always on the lookout to employ locals that can be trained up in all aspects of jobs on the farm.
Fruitico are also part of the Federal seasonal worker program. They are a great example of a local company doing amazing things both here domestically in WA but also raising the profile internationally of the high quality produce that Western Australia can produce.
Click here to see the presentation slides.
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