
East Keralup is a strategic 3,000-hectare freehold landholding in the Peel region. Given its location, size and opportunities for future use, activating East Keralup can significantly contribute to the Government’s objectives of diversifying WA’s regional economies and creating new jobs.

Commencement of construction work on the East Keralup Access Road is a win-win for economic diversification and environmental management. It paves the way for current and future Peel regional businesses to expand and establish their operations on State Government land at an affordable cost.

The southern portion of East Keralup is in the Shire of Murray, part of the rapidly developing Peel region. The site is about 17km south-east of Rockingham, 10km north-east of Mandurah and 20km north-west of Pinjarra. It offers excellent potential to deliver positive environmental, economic and social outcomes that will benefit the local community, region and state for generations to come.

Working to activate the development of this strategic landholding, the Peel Development Commission is collaborating closely with DevelopmentWA, the Shire of Murray and the private sector. Activation of the land is carefully informed by substantial scientific investigation and master planning that is sympathetic to the significant environmental values of the site. Specific measures are in place to conserve and protect the ecology of the Serpentine River, numerous conservation category wetlands and other regionally significant natural areas.

Extensive environmental studies over many years are fundamental to informing our approach to development. Environmentally significant areas are excluded from development and infrastructure avoids high-value wetlands and native vegetation—specific clauses within the lease options ensure future tenants are aware of their environmental management obligations.

With a State Budget COVID-recovery investment injection of $8.65 million in 2020 for upgraded infrastructure, including roads and drainage, DevelopmentWA recently secured approvals to extend Gull Road and provide a new Keralup internal access road.

This access road is a catalyst for embracing and encouraging new industries and economic opportunities to deliver a sustainable, resilient and diverse economy that provides prosperity and ensures we’re creating jobs for the future. Site access infrastructure is essential to unlocking the potential of the site and attracting further private sector investment.

With the subdivision approved in mid-October 2021 and the Shire of Murray awarded the road construction contract, this represents an immediate opportunity to maximise local content and procurement outcomes to benefit local suppliers, sub-contractors, and the Peel community. The upgrade of Gull Road is already underway, and the Shire of Murray will commence construction of the Keralup internal access road in December 2021, with completion anticipated by the end of 2022.

WA private sector company C-Wise Holdings Pty Ltd have been offered options to lease over portions of the and is planning to relocate and expand its operations here in 2023. C-Wise is a successful, 25-year-old Peel-based agri-innovation business that recycles organic carbon via composting. This access road will pave the way for C-Wise to develop a best practice carbon recycling facility and significantly increase their production capability, creating new jobs and assist both State and local government in diverting organic wastes from landfill.

The balance of the land offers potential opportunities for passive and active recreational use and other developments that maximise the area’s natural features, including its topography, drainage corridors, wetlands and vegetation. DevelopmentWA is currently considering the future use of the balance of the land.

Keralup sod-turn
Keralup sod-turn
Keralup sod-turn
Keralup sod-turn
Keralup sod-turn
Keralup sod-turn
Keralup sod-turn
Keralup sod-turn
Keralup sod-turn
Keralup sod-turn
Keralup sod-turn
Keralup sod-turn