City of Mandurah SREA Report
City of Mandurah Sub-regional Economic Opportunities Analysis
The Peel Regional Investment Framework sets out the vision, objectives and strategies for the region to 2050. Identified within the Framework is the need for economic analysis at the local level to help inform new initiatives and programs to support a diversified and innovative economy.
The five key themes of the Framework (thriving industry, agriculture and food innovation, tourism excellence, capable people and strong & resilient communities) are particularly relevant to the development of a long-term growth strategy within the City of Mandurah given the Local Government Area’s demographic, workforce and economic trends.
At its centre, are the waterways and environmental assets which support much of the City’s success and opportunity.
Our Goal
To use an evidence-based approach to understanding changes to the demographic, workforce, economic and infrastructure profile of Mandurah to map opportunities for regional investment to ensure a thriving regional society and economy.
At a Glance: City of Mandurah Sub-regional Economic Opportunities Analysis 2021
Read a brief summary of the report here.
SREA Presentation
Read an overview of the City of Mandurah SREA Report