
Recently the Mandurah and Peel Tourism Organisation (MAPTO) commissioned Metrix Consulting to provide insight into what visitors think of the Peel Region and what its most appealing attractions are. Through this consumer research project, the level of satisfaction people feel about the visitor experiences on offer was assessed and perceptions of the region were explored to identify the region’s unique selling points. The results were shared at a forum and will be used to guide future marketing campaigns.

Karen Priest, MAPTO’s CEO said that there’s still a lot of information to work through, but that one of the more interesting results is that potential visitors and people who live here really don’t know enough about what there is to see and do in their own backyard.

“On the plus side, the research showed that when informed about the diversity of the Peel Region, they are much more likely to visit, or recommend it to family and friends.

“While we have only had these research results for a short amount of time and exact actions are still being worked through, we have already turned our attention to ways in which we can change perceptions, build knowledge of the region and inspire visitation.”

This will include a greater focus on information and logistics for visitors through promoting options for accommodation and attractions, generating more suggested itineraries, boosting the region’s social media presence and developing advocacy programs for locals and visitors.

Ms Priest said MAPTO will continue its work in tourism development, supporting and mentoring business owners to increase the amount of tourism product ready to be marketed and improve the consistency of positive visitor experiences.