

3 July 2017…The new Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has commenced operating from 1 July as part of the State Government’s commitment to create a more efficient public service.

The consolidated department draws together the former departments of Agriculture and Food, Fisheries, Regional Development and the staff of nine Regional Development Commissions.

Primary Industries and Regional Development acting Director General Ralph Addis said the new agency would capitalise on opportunities to collaborate to deliver a strong, well equipped service to industry and the WA community.

“The new department is committed to all its stakeholders and will continue to play a pivotal role in supporting the growth and prosperity of the agriculture and fisheries industries, as well as regional communities,” Mr Addis said.

“While the name has changed and all staff are now working for the one department, the transition process to fully integrate the systems and services will take a phased approach over the next 12 months or so.

“During this time it will be business as usual for most of our staff, who will continue to work closely with valued industry and community partners.”

Mr Addis said stakeholders across the various industry sectors and regions would be kept well informed about developments during the transition process and were encouraged to keep the lines of communication open.

“This process provides us with a unique opportunity to build a new modern, innovative and relevant public service agency that both meets the needs of current clients, as well as opens up opportunities to pursue greater benefits for the State in the future,” he said.

Primary Industries and Regional Development acting Director General Ralph Addis

For more information about the new Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development visit www.dpird.wa.gov.au