
Regional Economic Development Grants

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Round 7 RED Grants

Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit an application for funding through Round 7 of the Regional Economic Development (RED) Grants. This round closed on 26 June 2024 and a comprehensive assessment process is underway.

If you want to learn how businesses in the Peel region have thrived and achieved remarkable outcomes with the support of the RED Grants program, read the Case Studies.

Subscribe to our e-News for RED Grant updates and other grants for SMEs.

The Regional Economic Development Grants (RED Grants) program is a State Government initiative that is investing $55.85 million over ten years in locally-driven projects to stimulate economic growth and development in regional Western Australia.

The RED Grants program supports individual projects that contribute to increasing or sustaining jobs, expanding or diversifying industry, developing skills or capability, increasing business productivity and attracting new investment to the regions.

Eligible applicants can apply for RED Grants funding of up to $250,000 for individual projects in the Peel region.

Applications for round 7 closed on 26 June 2024 and are now being assessed.

The RED Grants program is delivered by the Peel Development Commission for the Peel region, with support from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).

For more information regarding RED Grants in the Peel region, please contact Larissa or Simone at 08 9535 4140 or email grants@peel.wa.gov.au.

RED Grants Resources:

Please note the Peel Development Commission requests digital correspondence where possible.

Application assistance

The following resources may assist Peel organisations with the RED Grants application process. The grant writing video series is designed to assist with your application, and you may also wish to view the recipients from the previous round – click below for details.

RED Grant one-on-one discussions

1:1 Meetings with PDC

Discuss your project idea with us and learn about the program guidelines, application and assessment process.

Book your place

RED Grant writing video series

Grant writing video series

Grant writing video series to help you prepare a professional and robust application.

Watch the videos

RED Grants Round 3 recipients

Round 6 recipients

Read about Peel’s Round 6 RED Grants recipients

Round 6 here

To discuss the Local Content outcomes to be achieved with your project, please contact Larissa Stacy,
Local Content Adviser: localcontent@peel.wa.gov.au  or (08) 9535 4140.

business advisory south west peel
If you need business advice and support with developing your project, please contact  IPS Business Advisory Peel | South West WA on 1300 275 477.