
Invest in the Peel Region

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Positioning itself as a progressive, prosperous and dynamic region with a culture of care, the Peel region is expanding its export driven industries of agriculture, manufacturing and tourism to accelerate local economic growth and business opportunities.

The Peel has experienced consistent economic growth in recent years with an average increase rate in Gross Regional Product of 3.66% since 2012. The estimated value of GRP for the Peel was $8.3 billion in 2017–18 with mining having the largest industry share at 37 per cent[1]. The region is complemented by stable manufacturing and construction service industries, agriculture, health services, tourism and retail trades.

To enable job growth and support our booming population, Peel requires a dedicated focus on attracting new businesses and supporting local industry growth.

Transform Peel is 35-year visionary project to create new industries, more jobs and improved food security and puts Peel in a strong position to becoming a regional hub for innovation in food and agriculture. This will see future opportunities in food production, food services and manufacturing as the Peel Business Park and Agri Innovation Precinct progresses.


[1] Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, 2018. Peel GRP [unpublished data].

Regional Blueprint

Peel Regional Investment Blueprint

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PDC Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Peel Development Commission Strategic Plan 2023-2025


transform peel agricultural innovation

Transform Peel

Invest in the project that’s transforming the region

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