
The Peel Development Commission (PDC) is one of nine regional development commissions across Western Australia facilitating regional coordination, proposing growth initiations, and providing strategic advice and recommendations, to support a thriving industry with a highly skilled workforce and strong, resilient communities.  This role also includes identifying barriers and constraints to the Peel tourism industry.

In early 2018, the PDC board identified a need for investment into the tourism industry, particularly with facilitating the growth of accommodation and product development.  To help guide this growth, a Tourism Investment Framework (Framework) was required, focusing on the following key areas:

  • local government approvals and zoning
  • investment attraction and investor finance
  • barriers and constraints associated with product development and tourism growth.

The Framework outlined in this document was developed from a series of workshops with key stakeholders in the region, linking with the goals outlined in the Peel Regional Investment Blueprint (PDC 2015) and the Peel Tourism Economic Development Infrastructure Strategy (PDC 2016).

The intention of this document is to provide a robust Framework that tourism and hospitality infrastructure investors, Peel local governments and Western Australian State government agencies can use to inform analysis and decision making around tourism investment opportunities.

Read and download the Peel Tourism Investment Framework here.