The Peel Development Commission (PDC) is one of nine regional development commissions across Western Australia facilitating regional coordination, proposing growth initiations, and providing strategic advice and recommendations, to support a thriving industry with a highly skilled workforce and strong, resilient communities. This role also includes identifying barriers and constraints to the Peel tourism industry.
In early 2018, the Commission Board identified a need for investment into the tourism industry, particularly with facilitating the growth of accommodation and product development. To help guide this growth, a Tourism Investment Framework (Framework) was required, focusing on the following key areas:
∙ local government approvals and zoning
∙ investment attraction and investor finance
∙ barriers and constraints associated with product development and tourism growth.
The Framework was developed from a series of workshops with key stakeholders in the region, linking with the goals outlined in the Peel Regional Investment Blueprint (PDC 2015) and the Peel Tourism Economic Development Infrastructure Strategy (PDC 2016).
The intent of developing the Framework is to provide a robust structure that tourism and hospitality infrastructure investors, Peel local governments and Western Australian State government agencies can use to inform analysis and decision making around tourism investment opportunities. The Framework helps us to collaboratively achieve tourism excellence in the Peel attracting both visitors and investors to the region.
Promoting Peel as an international destination and increasing our product are key to achieving regional industry excellence so having the opportunity to wow a delegation of international tourism academics and industry notables from Canada, China, Germany, Italy and Monaco was a great occasion. The guests were invited to the region by the Commission and Mandurah and Peel Tourism Organisation (MAPTO) following Curtin University’s Tourism Research Cluster 2019 Symposium.
Paddi Creevey, Commission’s Board Chair said, “The Commission was honoured to welcome these important guests to the region to increase exposure of the amazing tourism offerings here in Peel, in alignment with a priority of the Commission to develop tourism excellence across Peel.” Their itinerary included aquatic, adventure, cultural and wildlife experiences.
The international guests enjoyed Mandurah Cruises’ Wild Seafood Experience, noting its uniqueness, and were stunned by Mandurah’s waterways and range of water experiences on offer. Local wildlife cooperated during the visit, with dolphins and seabirds in abundance.
Also of particular interest was the Peel’s indigenous culture, with Noongar elder, George Walley, of Mandjoogoordap Dreaming, explaining the history and cultural significance of the Thrombolites (Woggaal’s Noorook) topped off with playing the didgeridoo.
Dr Michael Volgger from Curtin University said, “It was a spectacular day and the international visitors were definitely impressed by what Mandurah has on offer. It was a world-class fusion of nature-based experiences and cultural insights into Aboriginal Australia as well as gorgeous food; we could argue it was a combination of some of the peak experiences Western Australia has on offer. We think the opportunity to catch their own crayfish and eat them fresh on board really stood out, in particular with Asian markets.”
The visit sparked some useful discussion on the strengths and challenges of regional tourism and gave the guests the opportunity to offer their expert perspectives on the tourism potential of Mandurah and Peel.
Curtin University’s Tourism Research Cluster ‘From Under-Tourism to JustRight-Tourism’ Symposium which was co-chaired by Professor Christof Pforr and Dr Michael Volgger, held on 20 February brought together global and national tourism expertise to stimulate debate and exchange between academia, industry and government. It was attended by approximately 100 industry representatives and important local stakeholders. The Symposium presented Chinese and European experiences on overcrowded attraction points, which highlighted WA’s prospect to capitalise on how open spaces and reduced crowds contribute to a different tourist experience. The Commission’s Principal Business Development Officer, Wendy Muir, said, “The broad range of speakers brought diverse insights from around the globe, providing invaluable acumen into how WA can optimise its tourism offerings to different global markets”.
MAPTO’s Nadine Heinen said “The visit by the international tourism experts has already reaped benefits. It was invaluable to see their reactions to the region first hand and to be able to have frank discussions about what works and what can be improved on.
Not only do these people have vast experience and knowledge of the tourism industry, they are international visitors in their own right and to see them enjoying our unique experiences, culture and wildlife was very satisfying. I know they will return to their countries as ambassadors for Mandurah and the Peel and I thank Curtin University and the Commission for the opportunity.”
This article was first published in the Peel Magazine, Autumn/Winter – vol 5.1 – to read and download the full magazine, click here.