People of Peel
People of Peel Project
As Peel’s population continues its rapid growth, the knowledge, skills and capability of its people are critical to attracting new businesses and industries.
The People of Peel project is about supporting a deeper understanding of the Peel region’s human capital. It provides the Peel Capability Collaborative (PCC) and Peel Development Commission (PDC) with important insights related to regional economic and social development trends, disruptions and aspirations.
Using these insights, a Roadmap has been developed in collaboration with key stakeholders that maps out priority human capital development initiatives to position the Peel region in meeting its social and economic development aspirations.
The Human Capital Insights Report is the first deliverable of the People of Peel project. It provides key insights into the status of human capital in the Peel region by Local Government Area (LGA), likely future workforce requirements of growth sectors, and likely gaps (based on population projections and current industry growth/socio–economic strategies).
Regional human capital is another way of saying regional know-how – it’s the combination of talent, skills and knowledge that exists within the Peel region’s network of individuals, enterprises and industries.
The report investigates the existing human capital of the region and explores three future development scenarios based on the region’s opportunities and challenges:
- Business as usual where the region’s development continues in line with current trends;
- Population services driven economy where significant investment is made to attract more working professionals to live in the region; and,
- Strategic industries where growth of the region’s tourism, food, and agriculture industries exceed the current regional aspirations.
The People of Peel Roadmap highlights the key findings of the insights report outlining that developing a high performing and empowered future workforce involves proactive planning, as well as addressing the socioeconomic challenges facing the people living in the Peel. It is also critical that the continued investment in the region’s emerging and future strategic industries results in benefits for the people of Peel, enabling and inspiring them to participate fully in their local economy and community.
The Roadmap highlights initiatives already underway alongside proposed initiatives to create meaningful change in three areas:
Build capability at all ages,
Link local capacity to regional opportunity, and;
Attract talent to strategic industries.
To achieve the goal of:
The People of Peel are skilled, adaptable and empowered to drive a thriving regional society and economy
The initiatives identified will be delivered via public and private sector partnerships and the innovation and drive of individual enterprises and communities. The Capability Collaborative will select initiatives to progress in partnership with stakeholders on an annual basis and will meet regularly to discuss progress. Indicators will be tracked to determine if Roadmap actions are having the intended impact on regional knowhow.
Investing in the People of Peel
A region’s most powerful resource is its people. Building regional capacity is an investment in a region’s future society and economy, giving it the adaptability and talent to not only survive uncertainty and challenge, but to thrive through positive disruption and innovation.
People of Peel and Peel Away the Mask III integrated Dashboard
This interactive dashboard presents the data findings from the People of Peel Human Capital Insights and Peel Away the Mask III reports. Peel Away the Mask III is available to download from Peel Community Development Group’s website.
People of Peel images by Visit Mandurah, Russell Ord Photography and Peel Bright Minds