Surf Life Saving Australia is the largest volunteer movement of its kind in the world providing our coastal districts with invaluable services and community building contributions. WA beaches are some of the most geographically beautiful in the world and our coastal communities are passionate about protecting and preserving their beauty as well as making them safe and accessible places for people to enjoy.
The Port Bouvard Surf Life Saving Club began actively patrolling Pyramids Beach in 2003, consistently increasing their beach patrol hours each year. They also offer education and training in surf rescue, host junior beach activities, as well as participating in and hosting local and State competitions.
The $2.1 million addition of the second storey to the clubrooms, with $300,000 in State Government funding, will provide additional space for training and education, and greater capacity for events. The second level was officially opened on Saturday 14 September 2019 by Andrew Hastie MP, Robyn Clarke, Member for Murray Wellington, Mayor Rhys Williams, City of Mandurah, and John Hodges, Port Bouvard Surf Life Saving Club President.
This addition means more education and training opportunities for lifesavers and the ability to attract more members to deliver a safer and more secure beach for swimming and surfing here at Port Bouvard.
Communities benefit from spaces that are able to meet the different needs not only of existing members and patrons, but of the wider community and its organisations. The Port Bouvard Surf Life Saving Club second storey builds on the club’s capacity to deliver to the community in this way with far reaching benefits.