The Regional Economic Development Grants (RED Grants) program is a State Government initiative that invests in community driven projects to stimulate economic growth and development in regional Western Australia.
The grants support individual projects that promote sustainable jobs, partnerships, productivity, skills and capability, as well as stimulate new investment and industry diversification.
The objectives of the RED Grants Program include:
• Sustainable jobs growth;
• Increasing productivity;
• Expanding or diversifying industry;
• Developing skills or capabilities; and
• Attracting new investment in the region.
The Peel Development Commission recently welcomed the announcement of seven successful Peel grant recipients in the first round of the program for 2018-19.
This round has supported the export driven industries of agriculture, manufacturing and tourism to accelerate local economic growth and business opportunities. Peel has a strong focus on tourism growth and with State Government support, we have a huge opportunity to build business capability and product development to attract international markets.
This investment by State Government will also help stimulate strong co-contribution from industry, increase export competitiveness and the use of innovative technologies as key to leveraging business opportunities, all resulting in Peel economic growth and job creation.
RED Grants provide the opportunity to focus on community-led projects which will boost the regional economy, create jobs and add vibrancy to towns and by investing in a variety of regional initiatives, the State Government is helping to grow Western Australia’s regional areas into thriving and sustainable communities.
Capogreco – Cold Storage & Distribution Facility – $210,000
Capogreco Farms is an entirely family owned and operated business, located in Hamel.
Established in 1988 and growing ever since, Capogreco Farms is proud of supplying the freshest quality to all their customers, locally, nationally and internationally, direct from harvest. In fact, even international customers can receive fruit within just 24 hours from harvest. Capogreco Farms store produce 7 days a week at the airport for quick response to orders to satisfy customers demands.
Capogreco plans to extend their current cooling systems in order to create a facility which can be used not only by themselves, but other businesses in regional Western Australia. Building this facility will allow the produce they export to be cooled to its most optimal temperature to maximise its shelf life while sustaining this temperature throughout the receiving and dispatch process.
Forest Discovery Centre Inc – Jarrah Forest Lodge Preservation and Facility Upgrade – $135, 000
The historic Jarrah Forest Lodge (JFL) is part of the timber industry heritage of Dwellingup, established in 1952 to house forestry cadets during their training. JFL provides affordable, value for money accommodation for a wide range of groups and individual visitors to Dwellingup.
Feedback from current users and comparisons with like facilities, indicate that undertaking this project
The preservation and facility upgrade of JFL will greatly improve current facilities, increase income and sustainability of this self-funded, not-for-profit organisation. enabling it to continue to support Dwellingup’s growing popularity as a tourism destination. This will not only enhance the experience for JFL guests, but also attract a larger variety of guest to Dwellingup town.
Mandurah Boat and Bike Hire – Tour Vessels – $144,550
Mandurah Boat and Bike Hire has been operating in Mandurah for over 15 years, offering dinghies, pontoon boats and luxury Sun Tracker boats for rent with no skippers ticket required. They also hire bikes, stand up paddle board and Kayaks.
Mandurah Boat and Bike Hire is looking to custom build two (2) multi-purpose, tour vessels to secure overseas tour operators providing them with greater timing flexibility and immersive on-water touring experiences.
The purpose-built vessels will attract large overseas or national tour group operators to the region allowing a larger number people to be on the water at a time, between one or two groups, for more tailored interactive experiences.
Manukalife Pty Ltd – Manuka Oil Plant Breeding and Trial Project – $120,450
ManukaLife is a Western Australian company that develops high-grade Manuka plantations for products developed for the medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and nutraceutical industries. These products are created based on science, research and a unique positioning in the bio-secure region of Western Australia.
Manukalife sought funds to assist in the development of trials and associated technologies to produce Manuka essential oil in a broad acre farming environment compatable to the local farming conditions and practices. Manukalife aims to prove the economic viability of commercialisation of a Western Australian Broad Acre Manuka Essential Oil production system.
Mandurah Cruises – New Boat enabling North Asian Tourism Growth in Mandurah – $100,000
On 31 October 2017, Mandurah Cruises launched its seafood tourism product: the Wild Seafood Experience. This showcases Mandurah’s lobster fishing credentials to tourists, 90% from North Asia, who are attracted by this hands on, yet high quality ‘sea to plate’ lobster catching & banquet tour.
Growth on this product has been outstanding, with 2850 guests in Year 1 and impressive net revenues. Demand has now grown to the point that the company needs to purchase another boat in order to relieve current capacity constraints and continue to capture growth opportunities.
Smartstream Technology Pty Ltd – Relocation of Smartstream Technology from Kewdale to 17 Cardup Siding Rd, Cardup – $50,000
Smartstream Technology is a wholly Australian owned and operated company specialising in the provision of civil engineering infrastructure solutions.
Smartstream Technology will use funding to relocate its plastic manufacturing business from Kewdale to Cardup. Relocating the entire manufacturing machinery and equipment, associated infrastructure, administration, accounts, sales/marketing equipment, and staff to the new site will see Smartstream Technology operating as a well established and well managed, successful local Peel region business, contributing to the long term economic growth of the Peel region.
Cays Engineering – Cays Paint Yard- Development of a paint yard to enable business growth – $95,000
Founded in 1956, Cays Engineering has grown to establish itself as one of the leading steel fabricators in Western Australia. A highly motivated, skilled and stable workforce has provided a platform for the company to grow, offering a diversified range of quality services and products.
Building a paint yard will diversify the type of services provided by the company and enable work to be completed in-house with better quality control. Productivity will also be improved with less cartage improving the company’s selling point as a one-stop solution. Trade Assistants can also be upskilled to be painters and blasters providing training, skills and employment opportunities that encourages people to stay and work in their local regional community.
For more information about RED Grants, including how to apply for Round 2, click here.
This article was first published in the Peel Magazine, Autumn/Winter – vol 5.1 – to read and download the full magazine, click here.