
RED Grant writing video

To assist organisations in the preparation of RED Grant applications, the Regional Development Commissions have developed a video series designed to clarify the process. This video series addresses the critical aspects of grant writing to help you prepare a professional and robust application. With extensive grant writing experience including consultation on 3 successful RED Grant applications in Round 2, Tara Whitney, from Whitney Consulting, shows you how to write a high quality application including;

  • What you need to do before you start your application
  • The grant writing approach and how to write a quality application regardless of the program
  • Specific RED Grants criteria

Watch the series via YouTube: Or select the individual videos below …

Video 1 - Introduction and about RED Grants

Video 1 – Introduction and about RED Grants

Video 2 - Before you start your application

Video 2 – Before you start your application

Video 3 - Grant writing overview

Video 3 – Grant writing overview

Video 4 - Key project question: Why?

Video 4 – Key project question: Why?

Video 5 - Key project question: What?

Video 5 – Key project question: What?

Video 6 - Key project question: How?

Video 6 – Key project question: How?

Video 7 - Key project question: When?

Video 7 – Key project question: When?

Video 8 - Key project question: Viability

Video 8 – Key project question: Viability

Video 9 - Key project question: Cost

Video 9 – Key project question: Cost

Video 10 - Quantifying expected outcomes

Video 10 – Quantifying expected outcomes

Video 11 - Budget and market viability

Video 11 – Budget and market viability

Video 12 - Summary

Video 12 – Application summary