
9 May 2016…Peel Development Commission chairman Paul Fitzpatrick has welcomed today’s announcement of the $16 million WA Regional Film Fund.
“This is an excellent initiative and holds considerable potential for our Peel region. We have superb shooting locations to offer short and feature film productions from our sea to our scarp. Our local businesses are already engaged in film and television production with Mandurah based Sky Pixels having recently shot aerials for Jasper Jones, a feature project which attracted funding from Royalties for Regions,” he said.

A recent increase in investment in filmmaking in regional Western Australia through the Royalties for Regions program has been shown to prove dividends to regional towns. Mr Fitzpatrick said the sector focus tied in strongly with the themes identified in the Peel Development Commission’s recently released Peel Regional Investment Blueprint.
“Filming fits our Blueprint’s strategies under the themes of Capable People and Thriving Industry,” he said. “Filming on locations builds tourism capacity, boosts the local economy through the purchase of goods and services, and creates regional jobs. I would urge Peel screenwriters and authors with unique stories that reflect our region to investigate the opportunities once the Fund opens in July.”

Media Contact: Norman Baker, Chief Executive Officer, Peel Development Commission, norman.baker@peel.gov.wa.au , (08) 9535 4140