

Peel Business Mastery Event – Effective Marketing


The Peel Business Mastery Effective Marketing session covers the what and the how to market in business today.

Marketing used to be about advertising, and advertising is expensive. Today, marketing is about engaging with the tribe and delivering products and services with stories that spread.
Quoted from Seth Godin’s book, TRIBES….“Marketing is the act of telling stories about the things we make – stories that sell and stories that spread”.

In this session, you’ll learn;

• In this session, you’ll learn;
• What are the 7 P’s of Marketing?
• Steps to Marketing your business
• About the Digital space


Presenter bio

Julie Broad has grown businesses using Social Media effectively and two Not-For-Profits with a shoestring budget using a unique method that meant she was no longer beholden to the daily grind of working out content and posting in a reactionary manner.

More recently Julie, in her business advisory role, has developed an easy method for small businesses who are time poor to produce good and worthy content by knowing who their target audience is and working on a clear strategy to communicate to them.