WAFIP Concept image aerial


A $3.8M competitive grant is open for applications from Western Australian agri-businesses, enterprises and entrepreneurs seeking to accelerate business and product development and deliver projects that support the scaleup of the state’s food and beverage manufacturing industry.

The Enterprise Support Program, a partnership between the Shire of Murray, DevelopmentWA and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, offers up to $200K in dollar for dollar co-funding.




As an initiative of the Western Australian Food Innovation Precinct, funding will enable industry to pursue commercial research and development projects through the Precinct including commercialisation of new ag-technology, business development opportunities, product development and value-adding, adopting innovation, enabling market access and increasing local capabilities and efficiencies.

Funding can also be used to purchase specialty equipment to drive innovation, diversification and business development and to access Precinct facilities including hiring research labs and leasing common user storage and workspaces.

WA food precinct
Western Australian Food Innovation Precinct


According to Shire of Murray Chief Executive Officer Mr. Dean Unsworth, the Enterprise Support Program opens the door to the opportunities on offer through the state’s centre of excellence for food innovation.

“It will scale up small-medium enterprise and enhance export capability and will create new opportunities for value-adding and food processing and manufacturing, to transform the Western Australian industry, deliver jobs and economic benefit,” Mr. Unsworth said.

The program will be delivered in two phases with a $1.3M funding round currently open and a $2.5M round to be activated in quarter three and four of 2021.

Applications can be submitted at any time during the year. Assessments will be made toward the end of each quarter with funding awarded in readiness for the Precinct’s opening mid-2022.

For further information and to apply visit murray.wa.gov.au/wafip or email wafip@murray.wa.gov.au.

The $21.75M Western Australian Food Innovation Precinct, currently under construction within the Peel Business Park in Nambeelup, will grow the state’s capacity to manufacture more of its food product locally and broaden Western Australia’s economic base by competitively positioning food and beverage product development and production primarily for international markets.

The Western Australian Food Innovation Precinct is supported by funding from the Australian Government’s Regional Growth Fund.