Since we last spoke the “Open for Business” sign has been erected on the site of the Peel Business Park; we have met with businesses expressing interest in moving into the Peel Business Park, landowners in and immediately adjacent to the site, numerous businesses regarding potential partnerships for the Peel Food Zone using innovative new technologies; and the Transform Peel web site has been activated.

12 December 2016 – Landowners Briefing

With Landcorp due to commence activity in and around the Peel Business Park on Lakes Road at Nambeelup in regard to headworks for vital infrastructure, and Department of Water to commence mapping of the aquifers to assess future available water supply for the Peel Food Zone; we invited landowners in the affected area to a briefing on the Transform Peel program by the Project Managers from Landcorp, Department of Water (DOW) and Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA). The introduction of vital infrastructure and innovation will attract private sector investment and ultimately create much needed jobs in the Peel. Thirty-five people attended the meeting held in the Community Rooms at Pinjarra and the enthusiasm for support of Transform Peel was overwhelming.

Proposed Peel Agri-industry Research Facility

Plans for this facility are progressing with an independent assessment of three potential sites and building designs scheduled for early 2017. The project working group, which consists of Shire of Murray, C.Y. O’Connor Foundation, Goldfather Pty Ltd and the Peel Development Commission, will oversee this activity and the business case development.

How will Transform Peel attract businesses into Peel?

The Peel Development Commission and the Transform Peel Program Management Office are working together with colleagues at Austrade, AusIndustry, the Department of State Development, WA Open for Business, and MAPTO to identify and introduce potential business investment and to facilitate introductions with potential business partners for joint ventures. We have already met with some really interesting companies seeking a possible long term commitment to the region, and Landcorp have appointed an agent to target international investment partners. It’s a really exciting time, and everyone we meet with is so positive about the potential of the Peel.

 Recent visit to Peel by SCRIPT

What is SCRIPT? What does it mean to Peel?

The Peel Development Commission hosted a delegation from the Singapore Centre for Research in Innovation, Productivity and Technology (SCRIPT), which is part of Murdoch University’s international R&D branch, for four days in December 2016. This visit kick-started the Peel Development Commission’s Smart Urban Farm Factories feasibility study project which is investigating technology driven intensive agriculture for the Peel (e.g. aquaponics, hydroponics, closed-loop innovation). The SCRIPT team was introduced to a number of regional and state stakeholders as part of their first WA visit to gain a greater understanding of the Peel Food Zone and the opportunities of Transform Peel.

 How can I find out more?

Our interactive website enables you to:

Read about the program, the projects, our partners and future initiatives.

Read our newsletters and social media posts.

Register to receive our e-newsletter, invitations to business or community forums; or to have one of us present to your business, community, school, or special interest groups.

Linda & David

Transform Peel Program Management Office