This year is flying by and we continue to lay the foundations of partnerships that will shape the future of Peel.

Together with the Department of Water and Department of Agriculture and Food WA, we joined consultants GHD to scope the potential of the Peel Food Zone. We visited working sites of innovative infrastructure, met with entrepreneurial businesses to discuss potential collaborations and met with Landcorp to discuss the scope of the Peel Business Park.

The Peel Development Commission is leading activities to shape future economic growth that you can participate in.

Are you involved in food production or food service?

Why not join us on 9 March 2017 to hear from inspiring global speakers on ‘How to Harness Emerging Food Trends and Agri-Innovation for Profit’.

 Professor David Hughes is a renowned international speaker who will discuss the global food industry issues and opportunities, consumer trends, food packaging, preparation and consumption.

Associate Professor Christopher Vas from Murdoch University’s Singapore Centre for Research, Innovation and Technology will show how Peel can position itself for growth through innovative horticulture, vertical farms, aquaponics, hydroponics and closed loop.

This event at Mandurah Quay Resort is brought to you by Peel Development Commission and Department of Agriculture and Food WA. The cost is $50 per person, which includes a buffet breakfast. Seating is limited, so if you wish to attend please email:

What is the Transform Peel Workforce Development Strategy?

To achieve the Peel Regional Investment Blueprint’s vision of ‘a progressive, prosperous, and dynamic region with a culture of care’ it is imperative we ensure a capable and skilled local workforce is ready to take up the opportunities of the Transform Peel program.

 A workforce skills analysis is the first step to achieving this goal, and with guidance from the Peel Workforce Development Alliance, the Peel Development Commission has contracted SDF Global to focus on the likely employment outcomes of Transform Peel, engage with stakeholders in industry, education and training, government, support services and community, and develop strategies to ensure local jobseekers have skills aligned to the future needs of industry.

As part of the consultation process a survey of local businesses is currently being undertaken. To participate please go to:

The report will be completed by May and will inform the development of partnerships to ensure a local skilled workforce that is able to take up the opportunities available in both the short and long term.

For more information please contact Kristie Tonkin, Principal Consultant Industry, Skills and Regional Capability on 9535 4140 or via email

How can I find out more?

Please visit our website  to read about the program, projects, partners and future initiatives; see our e-newsletters and social media; and register your interest in participating in Transform Peel.

Linda & David

Transform Peel Program Management Office