Investment Attraction – regional collaboration is the key

The amalgamation of government departments is already having a positive outcome on Peel. Having staff of key government partners employed by the same department has enabled effective sharing of resources that will support our investment attraction strategy for Transform Peel. This month, we have welcomed Andrew Duff, a business development specialist with the former Department of Food & Agriculture WA, who will be on secondment with us for six months to apply a methodology to identify businesses aligned with the Transform Peel strategy.

Transitioning Scope Study Underway

Transform Peel is strategically positioned to provide a secure long term location with modern infrastructure, transport and supply chain logistics for agrifood businesses. The agriculture and food division within the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (formerly the Department of Agriculture and Food, WA) has commissioned a study to:

  • identify businesses under relocation pressure in the Perth metropolitan area,
  • profile their infrastructure needs, and
  • develop a transition strategy to assist agribusiness decision-making to relocate to the Peel Business Park.

The study will be completed over the next 3 months, in close collaboration with the Shire of Murray and Landcorp to ensure the information informs the infrastructure servicing and staging strategy for the Peel Business Park so it’s attractive to future agribusiness tenants.

The Peel Business Park is Open for Business!

Landcorp are fielding daily enquiries from state, national and international firms interested in relocating to the Peel Business Park in Nambeelup. Any firms interested in this opportunity should visit the web site:

Local Projects, Local Content, Local Jobs

The State’s commitment to boosting regional employment has resulted in all government tenders and regional jobs being advertised through the websites of the Regional Development Commissions, and as work progresses to the initial construction of the Peel Business Park tender and employment opportunities will be posted on the Peel Development Commission website. Pease help us to spread the work to local contractors and jobseekers to visit regularly to check out the local opportunities.

Scoping for the potential of the Peel Food Zone reaches its next milestone

What type and style of agriculture best suits our varied soils is integral to forward planning. GHD have completed their initial study of the land in the Peel Food Zone and aligned the results with the needs of specific types of agriculture and horticulture. The mapping will underpin the next stage of engagement with landowners, growers, community and industry over the next few months before the final concept design of the Peel Food Zone is released later this year.

Stakeholder Reference Group to inform decision making

Landcorp are supporting the development of a Landowners Group to inform and support the development of the Peel Business Park. Landowners and producers in the Peel Food Zone are contributing to the Peel Food Zone concept, and education and training providers have participated in the development of the Workforce Skills Analysis recently completed. We are also establishing a Stakeholder Reference Group comprising private and public sector, representative bodies and organisations who will meet regularly to discuss the broader implications of the Transform Peel and help shape the strategy to achieve the maximum benefits to the region. If you represent a local organisation and would like to be included, please register your interest via the Transform Peel website, advising us of the nature of the group you represent, your specific areas of interest and what you believe you can bring to the Stakeholder Reference Group.

How can I find out more?

Please visit our website and register your interest in participating in future Transform Peel activities and events. If you enjoy social media why not ‘like’ us on Facebook or ‘follow’ us on Twitter.

Linda & David
Transform Peel Program Management Office