Hi, I’m Linda Cunningham and I have recently joined the Peel Development Commission as Program Director for Transform Peel.

It is with great pleasure that my colleague David Arkwright and I bring you the first of our monthly columns to inform you on the progress of this integrated approach to building regional resilience which will create jobs for future generations. With high unemployment and a decline in general productivity, Peel is experiencing its challenges. Added to this, our population is to increase dramatically over the next 35 years – from 130,000 to over 440,000 by 2050. To protect our natural environment and enhance the livability of Peel, we need to attract investment in vital infrastructure and create new jobs.

Business as usual is not enough – we need to be innovative.

How will we do it?

Transform Peel is a 35 year program with a smart, futuristic approach to building a diverse and sustainable economy for Peel, increasing benefi ts to local residents and landowners, building the capacity of the local workforce and business owners, and creating opportunities for growth while protecting the natural environment.

Who pays for it?

Transform Peel was enabled by the State Government’s commitment of $49.3 million from Royalties for Regions. It is facilitated by partnerships with the City of Mandurah; Shire of Murray; Department of Agriculture and Food, Department of Water; and Landcorp.

How long will it take?

Phase One will take 2 years, and while initially very little will be visible, the work will pave the way for the realisation of the Peel Regional Investment Blueprint.

What does the program consist of?

Peel Business Park located on Lakes Road in Nambeelup. Look out for the onsite billboard inviting expressions of interest to attract business investment into the Business Park.

Peel Food Zone focuses on opportunities to develop innovative food production and drive year round production of high quality produce that is not climate dependant.

Peel Integrated Water Initiative will map existing water sources and research innovative methods of water catchment and storage to meet Peel’s projected population growth, future farming and manufacturing.

What’s in it for me?

As a Peel resident, home or landowner, employer, employee or student – being aware of the development of this project will ensure you are fully informed on how it will positively impact our region. Transform Peel is a long term program, which has a long term commitment from government and private sector to create jobs and secure a strong future for the region for generations to come.

How can I find out more?

The Transform Peel Management Office at the Peel Development Commission in Mandurah is here to engage with all stakeholders (and that includes you!) to provide whatever information you need as the program progresses. Our interactive website enables you to:

  • Read about the program, the projects, our partners, and future initiatives.
  • Read our newsletters and social media posts.
  • LIKE us on Facebook to be part of our online community.
  • Register your details, and any specific updates you wish to receive including our e-newsletter, invitations to business or community forums; or to have one of us present to your business, community, school, or special interest group.

Our next update will come out 18 January, so until then have a happy and healthy holiday season.

Linda & David
Transform Peel Program Management Office