
Transform Peel is a 35-year visionary project to create new industries, more jobs and improved food security, through innovation, research and collaboration.

Transform Peel aims to capitalise on the Peel region’s unique peri-urban location and proximity to existing export infrastructure. The Peel region is in a strong position to take advantage of existing and emerging market opportunities and to becoming a regional hub for innovation in food and agriculture.

Export-based & trade-driven economy

Transform Peel is a plan to transform Peel’s economy from population-based and service-driven to export-based and trade-driven through a program of integrated and complex, multi-faceted projects.

Historically, Peel’s population growth has been driven by lifestyle-based migration, rather than driven by employment. This accounts for approximately 28.6% of people living in the region travelling to employment in the Perth metropolitan area[1]. Transform Peel represents a significant opportunity to increase the region’s employment self-sufficiency, particularly through food and agriculture.


[1] Department of Training and Workforce Development, 2015. Peel Workforce Development Plan 2015–2018.


Moving into Phase 2

Transform Peel Phase 1: Activation, combined three strategic initiatives; Peel Business Park,including the Food Innovation Precinct Western Australia, the Peel Agri Food Study and the Peel Integrated Water Initiative. With the first phase of the project characterised heavily by research and planning, many key milestones have now been achieved and continue to gather momentum as the project moves into Phase 2: Consolidation, investment attraction and new initiatives.


  • April 2016

    2016 Royalties for Regions funding

    Transform Peel secured $49 million in Royalties for Regions funding.
  • June 2016

    Over $25 million in Investments for the Peel Region

    Transform Peel has leveraged an additional $25.372 million in investment...
  • November 2016

    Transform Peel goes to Canberra

    Transform Peel delegation goes to Canberra to visit senior ministers...
  • October 2017

    Peel Agri Food Study Completed

    Peel Agri Food Study is completed by DPIRD and GHD...

Peel’s Natural Advantage

Transform Peel leverages the region’s advantages and opportunities of proximity to transport routes of road, rail, air and ports and a shared time zone with developing Asian markets. A rapidly growing population, access to onsite research, development and training facilities, and best practice food provenance represent the depth of this opportunity.

Transform Peel is an integrated approach to building regional resilience and promoting economic development encompassing innovative water, energy and waste management solutions combining three strategic initiatives; Peel Business Park, including the Food Innovation Precinct Western Australia, the Peel Agri Food Study and the Peel Integrated Water Initiative.

The Peel Harvey Estuary