
The Waroona Interagency Group is a forum for agencies who deliver community services to share knowledge and work collectively to address issues generally around community safety and wellbeing. The forum provides the opportunity for members to network and access collegial support.


∙ To share information on the needs of the community in the shire

∙ To keep up-to-date with changes within community agencies and how this will impact on service delivery in the Shire

∙ To provide information to policy and decision makers as an informed collective with a view to influencing policies impacting on community agencies in the Shire

∙ To provide opportunities to improve the quality, effectiveness and range of services delivered to the local community through broad networking

∙ To build the capacity of community agencies to meet the needs of the Waroona community

The Shire of Waroona maintains a group database and distributes relevant information, arranges presentations for each meeting and prompts valuable discussions. Waroona Interagency Group has arranged capacity building workshops, facilitated RoadWise campaign support, assisted in developing a Drug Action Team, and advocated for regional services — a number of event, activities and initiatives held not only in Waroona (such as Waroona Youth Fest, NAIDOC Week, Waroona Agricultural Show, Women’s Health Expo, Youth Mental Health Program to name a few), but the greater Peel region would not be as effective and efficient without the support of the Waroona Interagency Group. Membership has grown to over 70 representatives from more than 50 stakeholders including  local governments, government agencies, health service providers, community support organisations and not-for-profits.

For more information, contact cdo@waroona.wa.gov.au

This article was first published in the Peel Magazine, Autumn/Winter – vol 5.1 – to read and download the full magazine, click here.